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The DHCP client options, supported in SmartWare are: DHCP Option Name Description 1 Subnet Mask Specifies the clients subnet mask 3 Router Specifies a list of routers for the clients subnet 6 Domain Name Se...
SN46XX SIP to ISDN Trunk Gateway configuration without SIP registration. The ISDN PSTN may be connected to Port BRI 0/0 to 0/X. Copy the content below this introduction and save it to a text file for future upload to the SmartNode. #---------------------...
Firmware file for use in redboot mode. NOT for SN45x2
The reason why the ACK for the 200 Ok from the SmartNode in some cases is not accepted, is due to an invalid branch ID in the via header. Based on the description in RFC 3261, the branch ID for a 2xx response has to be different than in the former messag...
If you want route a multicast stream, you need to configure this on the ethernet interfaces. There are two commands, one for the sending interface (to the clients) and the other for the receiving interface (eg. from the WAN). interface IF_IP_WAN ipadd...
When incoming ISDN calls does not have a called party number but the A1 flag (sending complete) set, some config parameters are required which are not used every day, to do some number mapings. Following you will find a sample configuration for bri devi...
In case of using a routing table with conflicting entries, the error NO MATCHING ENTRY (INCOMPLETE ENTRIES PRESENT) appears. This can happen when the route entries are as follows and the number 123 was dialed. routing-table called-e164 OUT route 1234...
In order to send a call over the SIP protocol you need to have the whole number complete as SIP does not support the so called "overlap-dialing" (dial digit by digit). ISDN telephones can send the number already "en-bloc" (if you dial first an lift the h...
If the SIP-server sends back "400 From_tag is required" most likely the problem are missing "<>" - brackets around the FROM - header. By default SmartNode does not use those brackets and the FROM-header looks like this: FROM: SIP:123@A.B.C.D:5060;TAG=...
You may configure call load balancing between multiple interfaces using a service distribution group. It works not only for ISDN but also for mixed voip-isdn and only voip networks. Attend the following two points: - The load balancing is working only f...
Unfortunately at this time there is no way to change the RTP Payload type when using the named 'transparent-cisco' codec. Because Cisco deviates from the excepted standard protocol the Smartnode has a second Codec for communication specifically with Cisco...
G.729 is defined in a standard with two Annexes. G.729 is the original 8kb/s CS-ACELP Codec Annex A defines a reduced complexity Codec>br> Annex B defines the silence suppression scheme for G.729 All versions are supported by the SmartNode family. The...
The required bandwdidth depends on various factors such as: - Codec - Codec samle length - Protocol stack (IP, PPP, Frame-Relay, etc.) - Tranmission Network (DSL, ATM, etc.) - Echo Cancellation As a general rule of thumb the bandwdith for one call ...
DHCP Option Name Description 1 Subnet Mask Specifies the clients subnet mask 3 Router Specifies a list of routers for the clients subnet 6 Domain Name Server Specifies a list of Doman Name servers 12 Host Name Specifi...
A forgotten password can only resettet by booting with the factory configuration. The current configuration will be lost ! * Connect to the SmartNode using the console cable. * Cycle the power * At the prompt "Press ^C to abort boot script, press e...
 Press the reset button until the "Run LED" starts to blink then release the reset button. This will restart the unit with the factory configuration.
In the context cs the command 'no shutdown' causes the routing tables to be re-loaded and errors to be printed to the telnet/console (if command 'debug session-router' entered before).
FUNCTION/APPLICATION PROTOCOL SOURCE PORT DESTINATION PORT TRANSPORT PORT H.323 - H.225 call setup (default) any 1720 tcp Audio data streams (RTP) 6000-9999 6000-9999 udp H.323 - Gatekeeper RAS (default) any ...
It is possible to configure multiple SIP gateways on a SmartNode and register them with individual settings to different SIP Servers (multiple domain support). With H.323 only ONE gateway can be configured. The SmartNode can register with a single Gateke... removes dynamic entries if it is not refreshed or changed after 35 days. Some ISP's i.e., Comcast only changes the IP address about every 3 months. According to the "Static DNS" service should be used in such cases. The "static" ser...
If the command entered happens to be a default value (e.g. sntp-client poll-interval 60) the command is not displayed in the running-config but nevertheless active. This means that only commands and values other than defaults are displayed in the running-...
SmartNodes offer a local console interface which can be connected to a separate device, for example analog modem. In this way the SmartNode can be managed through a dial-up connection if the IP Network is down or the SmarNode is mis-configured.
The command 'show port ethernet' shows the current Ethernet configuration along with the MAC addresses
Using a cable with an RJ11 plug, can in some cases cause the G.SHDSL line to not come up. The solution for this case would be to terminate the cable with a larger end (RJ45), which will fit better in the G.SHDSL interface card. Be sure the middle 2 pi...
ISDN P-P (point to point): Are there a lot of log entries within some seconds, like LOGINFO : Link down on interface ISDN 0 2 LOGINFO : Link down on interface bri 0 0 2 LOGINFO : Link up on interface ISDN 0 2 LOGINFO : Link up on interface bri 0 0 2...
Country and provider specified ADSL settings TLD Country Provider ATM Protocol VPI VCI ar, Argentina Arnet PPPoE 0 33 ar, Argentina Speedy PPPoE 8 35 at, Austria ? PPPoA 8 48 ...
It depends on the model. SmartNode 4634 and 4638 can be software configured to provide line power to terminals. Smart-DTA always provides line power. All other SmartNodes don't provide line power. However, they do forward line power received on the TE por...
It depends on the model. SmartNode 4634 and 4638 can be software configured to provide line power to terminals. Smart-DTA always provides line power. All other SmartNodes don't provide line power. However, they do forward line power received on the TE por...
The ISDN BRI interface is a User-Network Interface (UNI). It has an asymmetric behavior. The two sides are denominated by NT and TE. TE ports Are found on ISDN Terminals (ISDN phones or PBX trunk ports) NT ports Are found on the NT (Network Termination) b...
Some PC-Card Ethernet interfaces do not provide enough voltage to be recognised as a proper Ethernet signal by the SmartNode network interface. We recommend to connect the Laptop to the SmartNode using straight cables via Ethernet hubs or switches.
Analog faxes wait for a dial tone prior to send the called party number. Despite this the terminal adapter sends a setup message when hooking off the phone receiver (without called party number information element). If the routing tables of the SmartNode ...
When connecting a BRI SmartNode to a PBX trunk line I have bit-slips and problems with fax connections. How to solve this synchronization problem? In installations where a PBX is connected to the PSTN and to a SmartNode ISDN VoIP Gateway at the same ti...
In analog telephony there are two common types of interfaces: FXS and FXO. FXS stands for "Foreign eXchange Subscriber" interface is used to connect subscriber equipment such as telephones, modems and Fax machines. FXO stands for "Foreign eXchange Office"...
Yes, even twice since the PLDs must be reprogrammed before parsing the CLI file.
When a licence key is issued several times the resulting cipher key is different. However both keys will work and enable the same feature.
If SmartNode routes a call to a SIP-Proxy it sends in the SIP FROM-field the calling-party number. Either this calling-party number is provided from the connected telephone/PBX or it will be set as "anonymous" if not available. This FROM-field is used b...
For all intents and purposes a maximum number of 100 "SIP users" can be supported on a SmartNode
Below you may find an example of a SmartNode CDR stream recorded in a RADIUS server. Wed Dec 20 09:03:17 2006 Acct-Status-Type = Start Acct-Session-Id = "" Called-Station-Id = "0041319852525" Calling-Station-Id = "0041319852555" ...
ENCRYPTED CONFIGURATION DOWNLOAD - An external encryption tool on the PC is used to encrypt the configuration file: enctool encrypt [] - The encrypted confiugration file can then be downloaded with TFTP tr...
For the units SN4660/70 and SN4970/80/90 the following procedure applies, to recover from bootloader mode. --> U-Boot Article []   ------------------------- If a firmware update fails, or the rese...
Some firewalls may reset a session when it takes too much time to complete. On low speed links the software download via TFTP may indeed take a long time and thus the firewall on the link may prematurely reset the session.
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for Australia. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in Australia and one IP address in Australia. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continue to work ...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for Europe. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in Europe and one IP address in Europe. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continue to work if DNS brea...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for Russia. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in Russia and one IP address in Russia. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continue to work if DNS brea...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for South Africa. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in Africa and one IP address in Africa. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continue to work if DN...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for South America. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in South America and one IP address in South America. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continu...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION SNTP configuration recomendation for USA. This configuration uses a combination of one DNS name in the USA and one IP address in USA. DNS server must work work for DNS to be resolved. SNTP should continue to work if DNS breaks or...
The command sequence below defines a VPN Tunnel that uses AES-128 to route traffic from Side #1 ( to Side #2 ( NOTE: -You must replace ‹X.X.X.X› in the template with the IP address for Side #2. -You must replace ‹MySharedKey...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The command sequence below defines a VPN Tunnel that uses DES to route traffic from Side #1 ( to Side #2 ( NOTE: You must replace X.X.X.X in the template with the IP address for Side #2. NOTE: You mus...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The command sequence below defines a VPN Tunnel that uses DES to route traffic from Side #2 ( to Side #1 ( NOTE: You must replace X.X.X.X in the template with the IP address for Side #1. NOTE: You must ...
SN4XXX/SN54XX SERIES: SUPPORTED NUMBER OF CALLS DEFINITIONS: SIP Leg A SIP Leg covers a SIP Signalling connection between two devices SIP Session A SIP Session covers a back-to-back call through the ESBR / SmartNode using two SIP legs Voice Channel D...
For all units other than SN4660/70 or SN4970/80/90, the following procedure applies. --> Redboot Article [] ------------------------- If a firmware update fails the SmartNode will enter the u-boot m...
If a firmware update fails the SmartNode will enter the u-boot mode. Connect a computer to the console interface and restart the SmartNode. You will see the Prompt "=>". HOW TO FORCE THE SMARTNODE ENTERING THE BOOTLOADER/U-BOOT MODE While connected wit...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION This example includes a basic configuration for the SmartNode SN411X/FXS to be used as an FXS gateway in combination with a Cisco Call Manager. The configuration contains variables in brackets <>. Please Replace the variables i...
Low bitrate codecs supported on Smartware are G723 and G729 On some of the SmartNodes, only one low bitrate codec is supported at the time, systemwide. There the following setting is required to make the G729 codec work. system ic voice 0 low-bit...
Gateways regulate traffic between two dissimilar networks. In the case of the SmartNodes, this means from Analog-IP (SIP) or ISDN-IP (SIP). These devices will only need to have one Ethernet port as they will not be doing any IP routing. Gateway/Routers ...
To configure a SmartWare SmartNode FXS Gateway within 3CX, please visit the link below. To configure a Trinity SmartNode FXS Gateway within 3CX, please visit the link below. https://www.patton...
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION This example includes a basic configuration for the SmartNode SN4118/JS to be used as a FXS gateway in combination with two Cisco Call Manager. The configuration contains variables in brackets <>. Please Replace the variables i...
This sets up your SN5300 as an Internet Access Router with a fix or DHCP WAN address, NAT, DHCP Server and static port forwarding. The WEB Wizard file can be downloaded from the following LINK [
CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The command sequence below enables SmartNode to provide the Austria 450Hz style tone set for dial-tones and call-progress tones. COMMAND SEQUENCE TO COPY, EDIT AND PASTE profile call-progress-tone AUT450_Dialtone play 5000...
To fixed the issue of having the inbound traffic come from digits that could be routed instead of anonymous on the SIP header information. IP Office platform: Select the "SIP line" and click on "SIP URI" tab then change the following as shown in the diag...
You might have read in the press that there are SmartNode models featuring a "high precision" clock. These are variations of existing SmartNodes and are sold as model codes 4971/81/91, 4635 and 4639 based on Smartware and with the "HP" attribute in the mo...
Patton SmartNodes have a very complex digit manipulation engine that is highly configurable for most parameters within a call setup.   MAPPING TABLE: * Selects the best matching entry * Sets/Changes the value of the defined Information Element * M...
The following Cellular Modems have been tested and drivers added to the Trinity Operating System:
When installing your Virtual SmartNode using VMWare ESXi, you may receive the following error messages: This is because the 'VIRTUAL DISK TYPE' has to be set to 'IDE' and not 'SCSI' during the initial configuration.   You may need to recreate the VM in ...
From u-boot mode a firmware upgrade or firmware recovery, is done as per the following instructions. ------------------------- This article is valid for the following devices: Atlas large SN4970A SN4980A SN4990A SN5481 SN5491 ATLAS SMALL SN4970 SN498...
The following Wizards are used for connecting a SmartNode Trinity device to Zoom Phone service. PATTON CLOUD WIZARD TEMPLATES: ZOOM FXS Wizard [] ZOOM FX...
Configure Patton SmartNodes with 3CX v20 (FXO and PRI)   Step 1: Create a “VoIP Gateway trunk” on 3CX * From the Admin panel, click on“VOICE & CHAT” and then on “ADD GATEWAY”. * Specify a name. * Enter the gateway’s “MAIN TRUNK NUMBER”. * I...
To enable the Privacy ID header (Privacy: id) to be present in an outbound SIP call, you will need to enable privacy in the SIP interface and create a mapping-table to set the Calling-Presentation to RESTRICTED. mapping-table calling-pi to calling-pi MA...