SmartLink M-ATA 3CX Fax Configuration
Posted by Marc Aeberhard, Last modified by Danny Staub on 17 January 2020 08:23 AM

This reference guide shows how a SmartLink M-ATA can integrated in a 3CX IPPBX environment. Using a SmartLink M-ATA, regular analogue Fax machines can be still used, even with an IP based PBX.


  1. Make sure the M-ATA is running the latest software found at:



2. Configure Sip Registrar and Domain. If Sip port is not configured, port 5060 is going to be used.  Now scroll to the bottom of the page and save the settings once completed.



3. For T.38 fax just make sure that “FAX without T.38(Use G.711 fax)” is unselected.  Now scroll to the bottom of the page and save the settings once completed.



4. Configure Phone 1 parameters (phone number, caller ID name, user name  and password).  Now scroll to the bottom of the page and save the settings once completed.



5. Restart the M-ATA to apply the config changes


6. On 3CX, just a regular extension is required to be configured


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