SN4970 Trinity Config Generator
Posted by Marc Aeberhard, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 20 December 2017 12:49 PM

This Trinity Config WEB Wizard helps you setting up your SmartNode SN4970 / SN4971 running Trinity SW.

Just download the below .xml file and import it in to your SmartNode, using the "Wizard Config" import function located under "System" in the SmartNode WEB interface. After that, click on the magic wand on the top right of the WEB interface, select the previously imported WEB Wizard, to configure the SmartNode.
When done with entering the values of the WEB Wizard form, hit "Save & Reboot", to generate and apply the SmartNode Configuration.

Download of SN4970 / SN4971 WEB Wizard File

For more details about the WEB Wizard, please see the WEB Wizard Documentation / Programmers Guide.

 sn4970_1_4pri.xml (11.91 KB)
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