Debugging: SmartWare vs Trinity debug commands
Posted by Danny Staub, Last modified by Danny Staub on 15 November 2017 03:26 PM

The following article is a comparison of the debugging commands found in the Patton SmartNode VoIP Gateway products.  Patton SmartNode's have been running SmartWare since conception but Patton recently developed and released a newer software platform called Trinity.  These two software families are similar in functionality but there is a change in the syntax of the debugging commands and the output they produce.  The following table is a list of the most common debug commands and how they are activated within each software platform, SmartWare and Trinity.

SmartWare Command Trinity Command Description Notes
debug context sip-gateway datapath debug sip-datapath full-detail Logs information related to the media channels  
debug context sip-gateway error See Note Logs all errors detected within the Context SIP Gateway Errors are logged now in the other SIP monitors.
debug context sip-gateway registration debug sip-registration full-detail Logs information about user registration activities  
debug context sip-gateway signaling debug sip-signaling full-detail Logs call signaling related information  
debug context sip-gateway transport debug sip-transport full-detail Logs all SIP messages sent or received over the IP network  
debug location-service debug sip-location-service full-detail Logs information about the SIP Location-Service database  
debug e1t1 error debug e1t1 full-detail Logs PRI error information  
debug e1t1 event debug e1t1 full-detail Logs PRI event information  
debug isdn error See Note Logs errors in the operation on the ISDN port Errors are logged now in the other isdn monitors.
debug isdn event bri <slot> <port> all debug isdn-stack-bri-control full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (BRI) port (All layers)  
debug isdn event bri <slot> <port> layer2 debug isdn-stack-bri-l2 full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (BRI) port (layer 2)  
debug isdn event bri <slot> <port> layer3 debug isdn-stack-bri-l3 full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (BRI) port (layer 3)  
debug isdn event e1t1 <slot> <port> all debug isdn-stack-pri-control full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (PRI) port (All layers)  
debug isdn event e1t1 <slot> <port> layer2 debug isdn-stack-pri-l2 full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (PRI) port (layer 2)  
debug isdn event e1t1 <slot> <port> layer3 debug isdn-stack-pri-l3 full-detail Logs the operation on the ISDN (PRI) port (layer 3)  
debug ccisdn signaling debug isdn-signaling full-detail Prints all ISDN layer 3 signaling messages, and call control related activity of the ISDN interface. This is a good monitor to start with when debugging ISDN.  
debug ccisdn datapath debug isdn-datapath full-detail Prints operations on the ISDN part of the voice data path. Use this monitor if you experience problems in the data path (no speech connectivity, speech only in one direction). This monitor is not needed to debug signaling.  
debug ccisdn error See Note Prints all errors occurring in ISDN call control and ISDN datapath control. Always switch this monitor on when debugging ISDN. Errors are logged now in the other ccisdn monitors.
See Note debug isdn-control full-detail Enables/Disables call-control ISDN control trace This debug command is new on trinity
debug media-gateway all debug all-mg A collection of all Media-Gateway monitors. For tracing everything with media-involment.  
debug media-gateway control debug mg-control full-detail Displays control activities on the Data Path (path of voice/fax data packets within your unit): State changes, tone start/stop, DTMF playback/detection, fax/modem detection.  Usage: To investigate problems with voice connections, DTMF, tone playback, fax and modem transmissions.  
debug media-gateway dejitter debug mg-dejitter full-detail Displays changes to the settings of the dejitter buffer, exceptions (underrun, overrun, packet drops) and size changes.  Usage: To investigate problems related to voice quality, voice packet payload sizes, delays, jitter  
debug media-gateway dsp debug mg-dsp full-detail Displays control activities on the DSP including all call parameters (e.g. the used codec).  Usage: To document the DSP parameters used for each call setup.  
debug media-gateway error See Note Displays detected errors over all the different parts of the Media Gateway. Errors are logged now in the other mg monitors.
debug media-gateway fax-data debug mg-fax-data full-detail Traces detected Modem and Fax tones.  Traces the flow of T.30 communication states between the fax machines.  Decodes the IFP (Internet Fax Protocol) elements within T.38 packets.  Displays T.38 related call parameters and operational errors like lost packets.  Tracks the operation of the dejitter buffer used for T.38 Fax transmissions.  Usage: To investigate problems with T.38 Fax and Modem transmissions in general.  
debug media-gateway rtp debug mg-rtp full-detail Displays RTP related call parameters at call setup: local/remote IP address and port, SSRC. During operation, displays periodically updated statistics containing the number of sent and received packets, the number of lost packets.  Usage: To verify that RTP packets are sent/received, and to debug network quality issues (lost packets).  
debug media-gateway switch debug mg-switch full-detail Displays control activities on the TDM part of the Data Path.  Usage: To investigate problems with hair pinning or timeslot switching.  
debug media-gateway tones debug mg-tones full-detail Displays Played and detected DTMF and call progress tones.  
debug call-control debug cc full-detail Enables the call-control debug monitor. Logs errors and shows all relevant information to track calls through the CS interface.  
debug call-router debug cr full-detail Enables the call-router debug monitor. Logs errors and shows all relevant information to track calls through routing tables.  
N/A debug all Enables or disbales ALL monitors. Best used as "no debug all" for sisabling all previously enabled monitors.  
N/A debug all-cc A collection of all call-control monitors. For tracing call parameters from start to end through call-control and see changes in these.  
N/A debug all-isdn A collection of all ISDN monitors. For tracing everything on the ISDN side of a call.  
N/A debug all-sip A collection of all SIP monitors. For tracing everything on the SIP side of a call.  
N/A debug all-sip-stack Sip stack monitors should only be used when EXPLICITLY requested from R&D. These are framwework internal moniotors.  
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