Trinity SmartNode and Swyx TPP Certified
Posted by Danny Staub, Last modified by Danny Staub on 15 November 2017 03:07 PM

Patton Trinity SmartNodes have been successfully tested and hereby reaches the certification level certified within the Swyx Technology Partner Programme (TPP).  This KB article describes all mandatory configuration steps that need to be performed to assure a flawless operation between your Patton Trinity SmartNode and a SwyxWare2015.


1. Certification test:

The tests were executed between both a Patton Trinity SmartNode 4130 (BRI) and Trinity SmartNode 4170 (PRI)  and two SwyxWare installations in Master-Standby operation.


The following combinations were tested:

  • SwyxWare2015 R3, with Patton Trinity SmartNode SN4130, Firmware Trinity 3.9.3 (June 2016); test date: 10.06.2016
  • SwyxWare2015 R3, with Patton Trinity SmartNode SN4170, Firmware Trinity 3.9.3 (June 2016); test date: 16.06.2016


  • SwyxIt!
  • SwyxIt! (via RemoteConnector at SwyxWare2015)
  • SwyxPhone      L615
  • SwyxSIPPhone S315
  • SwyxPhone D510 via DECT500

1.1 Executed tests

Inbound and outbound calls with the above endpoints from and to PSTN / GSM

  • Signaling
  • CLIP
  • CLIR
  • CLIP No Screening
  • Long duration calls
  • Hold / Retrieve
  • Call toggeling
  • Transfer
  • Conferencing
  • Call forwarding internal/external
  • DTMF Signaling
  • T.38 negotiation and FAX transmission
  • CTI+

All test cases were completed successfully.


If a call through CTI+ is not accepted by the called party, a timeout occurs in both the Patton GW and the SwyxWare. This leads to the situation that the auxiliary call is not terminated automatically, but has to be terminated manually by the user on the controlled device.


2. Start-up:

The following steps are necessary for a start-up:

  • Creation of a SIP gateway trunk und SwyxWare user; configuration of SwyxWare locations if necessary
  • Preparation of the Patton Trinity SmartNode
  • Adjustment and installation of the Patton Trinity SmartNode configuration file

2.1. Preparation of SwyxWare

  1. Using the configuration assistant, create a new SIP Gateway Trunk group within the SwyxWare. Select the Trunk Group Profile "SwyxConnect" that fits to your PSTN connection.
  2. Create a new SIP Gateway Trunk for the newly created SIP Gateway Trunk Group.
  3. Configure "SIP-User-ID" and "SIP Username" with a value of your choice, use the same value for both items.
  4. Configure the SIP password.
  5. Configure the available range of external numbers.
  6. Activate all codecs.
  7. Configure the number of available channels.
  8. Set the local NetBIOS name as "Computername".

Afterwards, open the properties of the newly created SIP Gateway Trunk.

  1. In the tab "Encryption", set the encryption mode to "No Encryption".

2.2. Preparation of Patton Trinity SmartNode

Update the firmware of the Patton Trinity SmartNode to the tested version Firmware Trinity 3.9.3 (June 2016) before adjusting the configuration. The appropriate firmware can be found here. You need an account and password from Patton to download the firmware.

Connect the Trinity SmartNode through the network interface ETH 0/0, which defaults as a DHCP client, with your LAN. Please check the lease table of your DHCP server to detect the assigned IP address.  You may also use our SmartNode Discovery Tool to find this device on your network as well.  Note: Please read the release notes on how to use this tool)

Log in through the web interface of the Trinity SmartNode:

Username: administrator
No password (leave blank)

Left in the menu (three horizontal lines) select "System -> Firmware upgrade" Use the field "Browse" to select and upgrade the firmware.
The filename contains the model of the Trinity Smartnaode and the firmware version, i.e. SN4130_3.9.3.tar.  Afterwards, the Trinity SmartNode is restarted and uses the new firmware.

2.3. Configuration and Installation of the INI Files

At the end of this article, you can download a zip-file with several configuration templates. Download the one that fits to your PSTN-Connection.

2.3.1 Configuration of the INI file

Open the chosen configuration template with a text editor, find the following terms and replace them with the appropriate settings. 

Note: A term may occur several times in the configuration template and must be replaced accordingly.


    • IP Address of your SwyxWare server
    • SIP-User-ID / Username of your trunk
    • Password of your trunk
    • Standard realm for SIP clients


    • IP Address of your Master SwyxWare server
    • IP Address of your Standby SwyxWare server
    • SIP-User-ID / Username of your trunk
    • Password of your trunk
    • Standard realm for SIP clients

Save the changes after adjusting the configuration file.

2.3.2 Installation of the INI file

After the reboot, logon with the Trinity SmartNode once again and upload the adopted configuration file.  In the left menu (three horizontal lines), select "System -> Configuration files".  On the left side of the dialog, first select "startup-config", then select the item "Upload".  In the following dialog, click "Browse" to upload the configuration file.  Afterwards, close all open configuration dialogs. On the left menu (three horizontal lines), select "Reboot".

The Trinity SmartNode will restart with the new configuration file and will register on the SwyxWare.




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