What TCP & UDP Service Ports do I need to open to my SmartNode?
Posted by Elena Brambilla, Last modified by Christoph Zahler on 17 September 2019 03:28 AM
Function/Application Protocol Source Port Destination Port Transport Port
H.323 - H.225 call setup (default) any 1720 tcp
Audio data streams (RTP) 6000-9999 6000-9999 udp
H.323 - Gatekeeper RAS (default) any 1719 tcp
H.323 - RAS Gatekeeper discovery (optional) any 1718 tcp, udp
ISoIP (Patton-Inalp ISDN over IP) ports (optional) any 1106 and 1107 tcp, udp
SNMP–Network Mgmt (optional) any 161 tcp, udp
NTP–Network Time Protocol (optional) any 123 tcp, udp
SIP–Internet to Phone (optional) any 5060 tcp, udp
SIP–Phone to Internet (optional) 5060 any tcp, udp
TFTP–Used for software upgrades and saving or loading configuration files (optional-for admin) any 69 udp
Telnet for administration (optional-for admin) any 23 tcp
ping (optional-for troubleshooting) any 8 icmp
tracert (optional-for troubleshooting) any 11 icmp
DNS-Domain Name System any 53 tcp, udp
SSH for administration (optional-for admin) any 22 tcp, udp
HTTP for administration (optional-for admin) any 80 tcp
HTTPS for administration (optional-for admin) any 443 tcp
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