How to configure a SmartNode if calls does not contain a called party number?
Posted by Elena Brambilla, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 14 December 2017 04:14 PM
When incoming ISDN calls does not have a called party number but the A1 flag (sending complete) set, some config parameters are required which are not used every day, to do some number mapings.

Following you will find a sample configuration for bri devices in use in Austria.

The essential part in the configuration file is the following.

interface isdn: "address-complete-indication accept clear" with this command the address complete indication will be disabled in order to let the SmartNode handle the incoming calls in the digit collection routing-table.

route T!2: This timmer is needed to force the SmartNode accepting the call even if no called party number is presented in the SETUP.
sample configuration

context cs switch

         routing-table called-e164 RT_IN

                  route .T2 dest-interface IF_SIP
                  route T!2 dest-interface IF_SIP MAP_NR

         routing-table called-e164 RT_OUT

                  route .T2 dest-service HG_ISDN

         mapping-table called-e164 to called-e164 MAP_NR

                  map default to 0

         interface isdn IF_BRI_01

                  route call dest-table RT_IN
                  address-complete-indication accept clear

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