Knowledgebase: Patton Cloud > FAQs
How are the number of managed devices counted and what does this mean for registered devices and redirect?
Posted by Danny Staub, Last modified by Danny Staub on 22 February 2019 01:54 PM

How are the number of managed devices counted and what does this mean for registered devices and redirect?

The number of "connected" devices is controlled and limited on the Cloud. Connected devices appear with a green "online" status in the device list.  For example the BASIC Cloud Service Plan can have 5 connected (online) devices. In addition all Cloud Service Plans (BASIC, STANDARD, ADVANCED, etc) can have an unlimited number of "registered" devices. They show up with a grey "registered" status in the device list. 

For redirection to a 3rd party configuration server the "registered" status is sufficient. This means with the BASIC plan you can register and redirect an unlimited number of devices.


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