RADIUS CDR attributes
Posted by Michal Podoski, Last modified by Danny Staub on 15 November 2017 02:50 PM

This page contains the list of RADIUS attributes that are sent to a RADIUS accounting server.

From RFC 2865 and RFC 2866 (Accounting) :

Attribute IDRADIUS IETF param nameTypeSmartMedia CDR parameterDescription
1 User-Name string IncomingNAP Incoming NAP name
4 NAS-IP-Address IP address - IP address of the SN10k Unit generating the CDR record
30 Called-Sation-Id string Called Number Called party number
31 Calling-Station-Id string Calling Number Calling party number
32 NAS-Identifier string Application Name Application name of the CDR provider
40 Acct-Status-Type integer - Start or Stop
44 Acct-Session-Id integer Leg Id Call Leg Identifier
46 Acct-Session-Time integer Session duration Duration of the call, in seconds. Corresponds to h323-disconnect-time minus h323-connect-time.

Attribute ID 26, Vendor ID: 9 (Cisco)

Vendor specific attribute IDRADIUS IETF param nameTypeSmartMedia paramDescription
2 Cisco-NAS-Port string NAP name Network Access Point name for the call leg
24 h323-conf-id string Unique Id Unique call identifier for the two initial legs (incoming and outgoing) - 128 bits integer formated as xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
25 h323-setup-time string Start Time Represent the call leg setup time - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
26 h323-call-origin string Originator Name "originate" for an outgoing leg - "answer" for an incoming leg
27 h323-call-type string Protocol Type If protocol is SIP the value is "VOIP", otherwise it is "Telephony"
28 h323-connect-time string Connected Time Represent the call leg answer time (connect time) - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
29 h323-disconnect-time string EndTime Represent the call leg disconnect time - Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
30 h323-disconnect-cause string Termination Reason Q.931 disconnect (1 to 160) cause, SmartMedia system cause (200 to 300) and SIP cause (400 to 600)
35 h323-incoming-conf-id string Unique Id Contains the original h323-conf-id in case of call transfer for subsequent outgoing legs - 128 bits integer formated as xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
115 release-source string Termination Source "localLeg" if this leg terminate the call or "connectedLeg" if its the connected leg - We use a Cisco string field with our own value definition
141 call-id String SipCallId Content of the "call-id" SIP header

Attribute ID 26, Vendor ID: 1768 (Patton)

Vendor specific attribute IDRADIUS IETF param nameTypeSmartMedia paramDescription
9 Patton-ChargeIndicator String ChargeIndicator Represent the charge indicator value
10 Patton-Protocol String Protocol Protocol used for this LegID. Ex. SIP, ISDN, etc.
11 Patton-Codec String Codec Codec used for this LegID
12 Patton-RemoteMediaIP IP address RemoteIP RemoteIP used for the media. This is only for VOIP.
13 Patton-RemoteMediaPort Integer RemotePort RTP Port of the remote peer. This is only for VOIP.
14 Patton-TrunkName String TrunkName Name of the trunk (ex. "LS004400E1_0_00").

This attribute is only for non-VOIP.

15 Patton-TimeslotNumber Integer TimeslotNumber This is the Timeslot Number.

This attribute is only for non-VOIP.

16 Patton-MediaInfo String MediaInfo String that represents the MediaInfo (ex. "PCMU@" for SIP and "LS_T1_BITS_00:1" for ISDN)
17 Patton-StartTime String StartTime String that represents the StartTime of the call.
18 Patton-ConnectedTime String ConnectedTime String that represents the time when the call was connected
19 Patton-EndTime String EndTime String that represents when the call was completed.
20 Patton-TerminationCause Integer TerminationCause Integer that represents the Termination Cause
21 Patton-Other-Leg-Id Integer Other-Leg-Id Integer that represents the other LegID bridged for this call
22 Patton-TerminationCauseString String TerminationCauseString String that represents the TerminationCause, but in a String format.
23 Patton-TerminationSource String TerminationSource String that represents the Termination Source
24 Patton-LocalSipIP* IPAddr LocalSipIP IP Address that represents the Local IP used for SIP.
25 Patton-LocalSipPort* Integer LocalSipPort Integer that represents the Local port used for SIP.
26 Patton-LocalMediaIP IPAddr LocalMediaIP IP Address that represents the Local IP used for the media.
27 Patton-LocalMediaPort Integer LocalMediaPort Integer that represents the Local port used for the media.
28 Patton-LocalMediaInfo String LocalMediaInfo String that represents the Local Media Info.(ex. "PCMU@")

Only for VOIP calls.

29 Patton-RemoteMediaInfo String RemoteMediaInfo String that represents the Remote Media Info.(ex. "PCMU@")

This is the same as Patton-MediaInfo. Only for VOIP calls.

30 Patton-Alert-Time String AlertTime Time where the call has started ringing.
31 Patton-Redirecting-Number String RedirectingNumber Redirecting number
32 Patton-Original-Called-Number String OriginalCalledNumber Original called number
33 Patton-Calling-Presentation String CallingPresentation Calling presentation: "Unspecified", "NotAvailable", "Allowed", "Restricted", "AddressRestricted" or "NameRestricted"
34 Patton-CallingSubscriberNumber String CallingSubscriberNumber Second calling number (ISDN) or Generic number of type additional calling party number (SS7)
35 Patton-OriginalCause String OriginalCause String that represents the Original Termination Cause in a String format.
36 Patton-CustomCdrValue String In routing script: params[:bridge][:CustomCdrValue] or routes[0..X][:CustomCdrValue] String that needs to appear in CDR. If you want to have the same string in all legs, set params[:bridge][:CustomCdrValue] to the value required. If you want to have a custom string for each route, set routes[0..X][:CustomCdrValue]
100 Patton-RtpRxPackets** Integer From CAF Number of packets received from the IP network (audio + comfort noise + signaling)
101 Patton-RtpRxVoiceBytes** Integer From CAF Number of payload bytes from voice (audio) packets received from the IP network
102 Patton-RtpRxVoiceDuration** Integer From CAF Duration (in seconds) of voice (audio), from IP to TDM direction
103 Patton-RtpRxMaxPlayoutDelay** Integer From CAF Maximum (for the whole call) IP to TDM audio delay in millisecond (adaptive jitter buffer delay)
120 Patton-RtpRxErrors** Integer From CAF Total of all detected errors in the 'Rx' direction
121 Patton-RtpRxLostPackets** Integer From CAF Number of packets lost (never received for play-out to TDM)
130 Patton-RtpTxPackets** Integer From CAF Number of packets sent to the IP network (audio + comfort noise + signaling)
132 Patton-RtpTxVoiceDuration** Integer From CAF Duration (in seconds) of voice (audio), from TDM to IP direction
150 Patton-RtpTxErrors** Integer From CAF Total of all detected errors in the 'Tx' direction
151 Patton-RtpTxLostPackets** Integer From CAF Number of packets considered "lost" by remote side (only available if RTCP is used)
152 Patton-RtpTxArpFailure** Integer From CAF Number of failures to ARP remote IP address to send RTP packets to (preventing sending any packets)
160 Patton-RtcpJitter** Integer From CAF Inter-packet interval jitter, in millisecond
* = Not implemented.
** = Available in release 2.7.103 and above only
(8748 vote(s))
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