How can I upgrade my RAS (29xx/3120/3125RC)software?
Posted by Bob Puckett, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 20 December 2017 01:09 PM

 New software images can be found at The software is upgraded using FTP from any computer. The steps are as follows.

  • FTP into the 29xx/3120/3125RC unit
  • The username to enter is KillImage
  • The password is the superuser password for that 29xx/3120/3125RC
  • Set the transfer mode for FTP to BIN (for Binary). On most FTP clients this done by typing in BIN at the FTP> prompt.
  • Use the FTP put command to put the file into the 29xx/3120/3125RC. On most FTP clients this is done by typing put (where name-of-image-file is the name of the new software load.)


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