Knowledgebase: Unified Communications
SN4118 FXS template for Cisco Call Manager, with authentication
Posted by Thomas Tlapak, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 22 November 2017 01:33 PM

Configuration Description

This example includes a basic configuration for the SmartNode SN4118/JS to be used as a FXS gateway in combination with two Cisco Call Manager. The configuration contains variables in brackets <>. Please Replace the variables including the brackets. Unused lines or variables have to be commented out or deleted

This configuration note gives an overview about configuring the SN4118/JS with Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).


Commande Sequence to copy, edit and paste


# #
# SN4118/JS/EUI #
# R6.X #
# Handmade configuration file #
# #
# Cisco Call Manager #
# #
# This example includes a basic configuration for the SmartNode #
# SN4118/JS in combination with two Cisco Call Manager with #
# SIP authentication and registration. #
# This example can be used for other SmartNodes too. The only #
# thing which needs to be adjusted, are the ports and interfaces #
# as far as required. #
# #
# Author: Thomas Tlapak #
# Patton-Inalp Neworks #
# CH-3172 Niederwangen #
#; #
# #
# Date: 11/06/2014 #
# #

cli version 3.20
clock local default-offset +00:00
timer PROVISIONING now + 3 minutes "provisioning execute PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG"
webserver port 80 language en
sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4


ic voice 0
low-bitrate-codec g729

profile ppp default

profile tone-set default

profile voip default
codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20
codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

profile pstn default

profile ringing-cadence default
play 1 1000
pause 2 4000

profile sip default
no autonomous-transitioning

profile aaa default
method 1 local
method 2 none

profile provisioning PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG
destination configuration
location 1$(system.mac);mac=$(system.mac);serial=$(system.serial);hwMajor=$(system.hw.major);hwMinor=$(system.hw.minor);swMajor=$(system.sw.major);swMinor=$(system.sw.minor);swDate=$(;productName=$(;cliMajor=$(cli.major);cliMinor=$(cli.minor);osName=$(cli.major>=4|Trinity|SmartWare);subDirTrinity=$(cli.major>=4|/Trinity);subDirSmartWare=$(cli.major<4|/SmartWare);dhcp66=$(dhcp.66);dhcp67=$(dhcp.67)
location 2 $(dhcp.66)
location 3 $(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg
location 4 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67)
location 5 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg
location 6 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67)
location 7 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg
activation reload immediate

context ip router

interface eth0
ipaddress dhcp
tcp adjust-mss rx mtu
tcp adjust-mss tx mtu

context ip router

context cs switch

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_00
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_01
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_01

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_02
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_02

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_03
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_03

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_04
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_04

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_05
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_05

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_06
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_06

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_SIP_07
route .T dest-interface IF_SIP_07

routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_FXS
route <username 2> dest-interface IF_FXS_01
route <username 3> dest-interface IF_FXS_02
route <username 4> dest-interface IF_FXS_03
route <username 5> dest-interface IF_FXS_04
route <username 6> dest-interface IF_FXS_05
route <username 7> dest-interface IF_FXS_06
route <username 8> dest-interface IF_FXS_07
route <username 1> dest-interface IF_FXS_00

interface sip IF_SIP
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_00
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_01
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_01
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_02
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_02
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_03
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_03
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_04
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_04
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_05
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_05
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_06
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_06
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface sip IF_SIP_07
bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_07
route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
remote <IP of the callmanager>
local <IP of the callmanager>

interface fxs IF_FXS_00
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_00
subscriber-number <username 1>

interface fxs IF_FXS_01
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_01
subscriber-number <username 2>

interface fxs IF_FXS_02
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_02
subscriber-number <username 3>

interface fxs IF_FXS_03
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_03
subscriber-number <username 4>

interface fxs IF_FXS_04
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_04
subscriber-number <username 5>

interface fxs IF_FXS_05
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_05
subscriber-number <username 6>

interface fxs IF_FXS_06
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_06
subscriber-number <username 7>

interface fxs IF_FXS_07
route call dest-table RT_TO_SIP_07
subscriber-number <username 8>

context cs switch
no shutdown

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_00
username <username 1> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_01
username <username 2> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_02
username <username 3> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_03
username <username 4> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_04
username <username 5> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_05
username <username 6> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_06
username <username 7> password <password>

authentication-service AUTH_SRV_07
username <username 8> password <password>

location-service LOC_SRV_00
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity-group default
identity <username 1>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_00 username <username 1>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_01
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 2>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_01 username <username 2>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_02
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 3>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_02 username <username 3>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_03
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 4>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_03 username <username 4>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_04
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 5>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_04 username <username 5>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_05
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 6>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_05 username <username 6>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_06
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 7>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_06 username <username 7>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

location-service LOC_SRV_07
domain 1 <IP of the callmanager> 5060

identity <username 8>

authentication outbound
authenticate 1 authentication-service AUTH_SRV_07 username <username 8>

registration outbound
registrar <IP of the callmanager>
lifetime 300
register auto
retry-timeout on-system-error 10
retry-timeout on-client-error 10
retry-timeout on-server-error 10

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_00

interface IF_GW_SIP
bind interface eth0 context router port 5060

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_00
bind location-service LOC_SRV_00
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_01

interface IF_GW_SIP_5061
bind interface eth0 context router port 5061

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_01
bind location-service LOC_SRV_01
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_02

interface IF_GW_SIP_5062
bind interface eth0 context router port 5062

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_02
bind location-service LOC_SRV_02
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_03

interface IF_GW_SIP_5063
bind interface eth0 context router port 5063

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_03
bind location-service LOC_SRV_03
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_04

interface IF_GW_SIP_5064
bind interface eth0 context router port 5064

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_04
bind location-service LOC_SRV_04
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_05

interface IF_GW_SIP_5065
bind interface eth0 context router port 5065

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_05
bind location-service LOC_SRV_05
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_06

interface IF_GW_SIP_5066
bind interface eth0 context router port 5066

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_06
bind location-service LOC_SRV_06
no shutdown

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_07

interface IF_GW_SIP_5067
bind interface eth0 context router port 5067

context sip-gateway GW_SIP_07
bind location-service LOC_SRV_07
no shutdown

port ethernet 0 0
medium auto
encapsulation ip
bind interface eth0 router
no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_00 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_01 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 2
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_02 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 3
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_03 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 4
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_04 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 5
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_05 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 6
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_06 switch
no shutdown

port fxs 0 7
use profile fxs us
encapsulation cc-fxs
bind interface IF_FXS_07 switch
no shutdown

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