Knowledgebase: Unified Communications
SN411X/JS SIP terminal gateway template for Cisco Call Manager
Posted by Marc Aeberhard, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 22 November 2017 01:22 PM

Configuration Description

This example includes a basic configuration for the SmartNode SN411X/FXS to be used as an FXS gateway in combination with a Cisco Call Manager. The configuration contains variables in brackets <>. Please Replace the variables including the brackets. Unused lines or variables have to be commented out or deleted

This cofiguration note gives an overview about configuring the SN411x with Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).

  • SN4112/JS is used in this example.
Following are the configuration steps required to be performed on CUCM:
  1. Create a Directory Number for sip phone.
  2. Create a End User same as the Directory Number.
  3. Create a sip phone profile device.
  4. In the sip phone device profile, select "Digest User" (Select the end user that you have created, same as directory number for sip phone)  
Configuration for SN4112:
#                                                                #
# SN4112/JS/EUI                                                  #
#                                                                #
# SOFTWARE VERSION 5.2 ONWARDS (RUNNING WITH 5.2)                #
#                                                                #
# DATE: 2012-04-10                                               #
#                                                                #
# AUTHOR: Jagdeep Singh Sekhon                                   #
#                                                                #
# NOTES: Sample configuration of Context CS, sip-gateway and     #
#        FXS ports only. It does not contain any additional      #
#        gateway and IP configuration.                           #
#                                                                #

context cs switch

  routing-table called-e164 RT_FROM_FXS_00
    route .T dest-interface IF_CS_SIP

  routing-table calling-e164 RT_TO_FXS
    route default dest-interface IF_FXS_00

  interface sip IF_CS_SIP
    bind context sip-gateway sip
    route call dest-table RT_TO_FXS
# Enter below the SIP server / Softswitch IP address or FQDN
    remote <>

  interface fxs IF_FXS_00
    route call dest-table RT_FROM_FXS_00
# Enter subscriber number below
    subscriber-number <subscriber-number>

context cs switch
  no shutdown

authentication-service AS_FXS_00
# Enter username and password accordingly as configured in CUCM.
  username <user-name> password <pass-word>

location-service LS_ALL_FXS
# IP address and port number for CUCM.
  domain 1 <ip-address> <port>

  identity <user-name>

    authentication outbound
      authenticate 1 authentication-service AS_FXS_00 username <user-name>

    registration outbound
      registrar <ip-address> <port>
      lifetime 300
      register auto
      retry-timeout on-system-error 10
      retry-timeout on-client-error 10
      retry-timeout on-server-error 10

context sip-gateway sip

  interface IF_WAN
    bind interface <ethernet-interface> context router port 5060

context sip-gateway sip
  bind location-service LS_ALL_FXS
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 0
  use profile fxs us
  encapsulation cc-fxs
  bind interface IF_FXS_00 switch
  no shutdown

port fxs 0 1
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