Knowledgebase: Unified Communications
Is it possible to configure different Point Codes for SS7 signaling and for voice traffic?
Posted by Yara Basile, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 22 November 2017 01:24 PM

Yes, it is possible to configure different DPCs for SS7 signaling and for voice traffic


Step 1: Create different MTP3 Point Code for signaling and for voice Traffic


Click Point Codes in the navigation panel

Click Create New Point Code

Configure the new point code:


   Enter a name for the point code

   Select a point code type (select type-specific parameters)

   Select a point code length (14, 16, 24 bits)

   Enter a point code

   Click Create Repeat above steps for creating a voice traffic PC


Step 2: Create different MTP3 Routes for signaling and voice traffic


Click Create New Mtp3 Route in the MTP3 network configuration window:

Configure the new MTP3 route:


   Enter a name for the route

   Select a point code for the route

   Select a point type

   Check the Route to Adjacent box, if this route is directed to an adjacent network

   Click Create


Repeat above steps for voice traffic MTP3 Route.


Associate the newly created routes with your MTP3 linkset:


   Select a linkset from the list provided at the bottom of the route configuration window

   Click the "<<" button to associate the linkset with the newly created route

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