Knowledgebase: Unified Communications
How to protect my SmartNode from public netowrk attacks
Posted by Marc Aeberhard, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 20 November 2017 04:36 PM

When your SmartNode is connected to a public network, it must be properly configured in order to prevent it from unwanted attacks.

First of all make sure an ACL is configured and enabled in the corresponding IP interface. In the ACL make sure that only known hosts and IP networks can access the SmartNode from outside to the well known ports.

For SIP calls coming from untrusted peers, the "trust remote" feature should be enabled.

Protecting the SmartNode from SIP DoS attacks, the SIP Peer Flood Blocking can be used.

How all this can be configured you can find in the software config guide as follows:

ACL - see page 290

Trust remote - see page 501

SIP peer flood blocking- see page 418

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