Knowledgebase: Unified Communications
What is the difference between a Gateway and a Gateway/Router?
Posted by Danny Staub, Last modified by Daniel Lizaola on 20 November 2017 04:37 PM

Gateways regulate traffic between two dissimilar networks.  In the case of the SmartNodes, this means from Analog-IP (SIP) or ISDN-IP (SIP).  These devices will only need to have one Ethernet port as they will not be doing any IP routing.


Gateway/Routers will also route between two dissimilar network types, but they also regulate traffic between similar networks, in this case the TCP/IP network.  These devices will need to have at least two Ethernet ports so that the IP traffic can be routed from one network to another.


Most companies already have a router in place for the IP traffic, so they will need only the Gateway feature to convert their old Telephony equipment to IP (SIP) and vice versa.

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